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Author: Wigton Town

Wigton’s Christmas Lights Switch On

Join us for a magical time as we kick off the festive season with our annual Christmas Lights Switch On, on Saturday 30th November! Mark your calendars and bring your family and friends for an unforgettable day. We look forward to celebrating the start of the holiday season with you.✨

We are also inviting crafters and stall holders to be part of this festive celebration. If you are interested in showcasing your crafts or products, please contact us at

Wigton Cemetery – Improvements Update

Wigton Cemetery has undergone extensive improvements to make the entrance more accessible for everyone. The improved access will now allow for better access for those in wheelchairs, mobility scooters, pushchairs and more. Paths within the cemetery have also been upgraded which will allow access to the full cemetery. This project had been planned for many years but could not begin until reserves were built. The WBJC were also successful in securing £3000 from the Lakes and Fells Community Panel and a further £1000 from Wigton’s Cumberland Councillor, Elaine Lynch who granted the money from her allocated funds.

The WBJC would like to thank everyone involved in making this project such a success.


Before the project

Volunteering Opportunities

West Cumbria Rivers Trust are seeking volunteers to help to do Himalayan Balsam bashing along the Wiza Beck. Click on the link for more information.