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Wigton Prayer Service and Candlelit Vigil

Support for Ukraine event – Wednesday 23rd March, Wigton

With so much national and international anger at what is happening in Ukraine and so much sympathy for the people of that country (and all the other countries affected) Wigton Town Council, our Mayor and the churches of Wigton invite you to special events next Wednesday evening, 23rd March.

In the Methodist Church in Wigton there will be a half hour session of prayer from 7.30 p.m. onwards.

Then from 8 – 8.15 p.m. there will be a silent candlelit vigil on the Cornmarket in front of St Mary’s Church. (It will be inside the Methodist Church if the weather is poor).

David Ferriby, Mayor of Wigton, says, “Everyone is invited to come to one or both of these events to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and the millions of others desperately trying to help to relieve the suffering.  It would be good to see our community come together in a show of support. In addition, people are encouraged to donate to the DEC – the Disasters Emergency Committee. Over the coming months and years huge sums of money will continue to be needed to repair lives shattered by this war”.

Holiday Activities

Visit to search the vast array and range of activities available this Easter.
Everything from football, climbing, art & crafts and swimming m (at Wigton Baths) to DJing and film making.
Bookings will work on a first-come-first served basis – and places are limited.
Some activity providers offer transport.
The Holiday Activity Programme is aimed at all school-age children and young people (age 5 – 16).
Places are FREE for young people who receive benefits-related Free School.
Meals and eligible children in particular circumstances.
All children who attend will also be provided with a meal.
Some places are exclusively for eligible young people, please contact the providers for more information.
Visit for full details.

Throstle Park – Wigton’s newest park

During February, Wigton Town Council asked children and other residents what we should name the new park on West Road (between the Bowling Club and Barton Laws). People were also given chance to let us know what they wanted to see in the park.

Our new park is now officially Throstle Park. Jubilee Park came a close second.

The activity that won the most votes was a pump track. For those who don’t know about pump tracks, they are continuous circuits of banked turns, rollers and other features that can be ridden without pedaling and should be perfect for the type of landscape at Throstle Park.

There will be ongoing planting of trees during March around the park, with a big wildflower planting session in the first week of May as part of Cumbria Wildlife Trust’s ‘Get Cumbria Buzzing’ campaign.


Councillor Vacancy



There is one vacancy on the above Council.

A bye-election to fill the vacancy will be held if within 14 days (not including dies non) from the date below TEN electors of the Parish give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Returning Officer.

The address of the Returning Officer is:

Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington,

CA14 3YJ.

If no such notice is given the Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Applications should be made in person or by letter to the address below.

Signed……Alison Dodd

Dated:  26th January 2022

Wigton Town Council

Community Offices

Market Hall

Church Street
