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Open & Accountable Local Government

The Council endeavours to make all its documentation available to the public where possible.

What to do if you cannot access parts of this page

We want to ensure that everyone can access our information and we are working to improve our website. Please contact us if you need information on this website in a different format.


Councillor Interests

To view the list of councillor’s disclosable pecuniary interests follow this link:


The Town Council’s Standing Orders  govern the way its meetings are run.


Wigton Town Council’s appointed External Auditor for 2023-2024 is Moore UK

FAO Smaller Authorities Team
Rutland House
Minerva Business Park
Lynch Wood

Unaudited Annual Audit Return 2023-2024

2023-2024 AGAR

Notice-of-Public-Rights (1)

Year end reconciliation

Wigton TC Interim Internal Audit

Wigton TC YE Audit

Asset Register Full Council

RISK ASSESSMENT – General & Financial V2.2 June 2024

GetReconcileBox7and8 (1)

GetBalanceSheet (1)

Notes and variation explanations


Annual Audit Return 2022-2023

Asset register 2023

Explanation between box 7 and 8

End of year reconciliation

RISK ASSESSMENT – General & Financial V2.2 Draft June 2023

AGAR 2023 INCL Internal Audit WEBSITE 


Annual Audit Return 2021-22

AGAR Wigton TC Part 1&2 2021-22

AGAR Wigton TC Part 3 2021-22 

Final Report Certificate

Notice of conclusion

Explanation of variances

Exercise of Public Rights 2021-22.docx

Audit Report March 2022   


Annual Audit Return 2020-21

Conclusion of Audit 2020-21

AGAR 2020-21

Income & Expenditure Account 2020-21

Variances 2020-21

Exercise of Public Rights 2020-21

Audit Report March 2021


Annual Audit Return 2019/20

Conclusion of Audit 2019-20

Annual Governance and Audit Return 2019-20


Annual Audit Return 2018/19

Conclusion of Audit 2018-19

Annual Governance and Audit Return 2018-2019



We are committed to being open and transparent, providing non-sensitive data to the public in an accessible and reusable format.  This information includes data that we are required to disclose under the Local Government Transparency Code, which we will update on a monthly basis.

Council Data 

Our Structure: Wigton Town Council Staffing Structure

You can read more about our people on the introduction to the Town Council.

2022-23 Budget

Trade union facility time and spending:N/A

Property & Assets

Fixed Assets 2022-23

Financial /Procurement